Math's is a very important subject and starting at an early age learning basic counting, times tables, shapes and more. Math's becomes a very complex subject and you learn many confusing things but math's is one of the most desired skills and is an important one to have in later life, even if it is just your basic skills.
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing are words that we all need to use whether it is to do with numbers or not, they are used in everyday sentences; you could be adding some chocolate to your shopping trolley or multiplying the amount of pets you have in your house.
As there are so many different categories to learn in mathematics it will really test your child's thinking and most people dislike math's when they are younger but it goes onto become a popular subject taken at higher level in college and beyond. You never know, your child could be sat right now in their math lesson and could be a future important mathematician! It is funny in my family how my older brother loves math's and hates English and I am the complete opposite, I had trouble learning how to tell the time until quite a late age and my brother still asks me how to spell words!
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When people think about math's one of the main things that comes to mind is money and for many of us who leave behind learning numbers at school this will be the main, if not the only real reason, that you will use your previous skills. Learning how to give out change from notes and picking out how many of the different coins to give back sounds simple now but it can take a while to click so learning how to use money in key stage 1 will be very important.
Teaching math's by writing things down onto white boards or pieces of paper is an important tool in building up children's key skills so they will be capable of doing mental arithmetic. In most classrooms they have display panels up with posters of the times tables and definitions of what different math's symbols mean etc which are very helpful aids because if children are ever stuck or just need some reassurance that they answer they write is correct they can then check on the boards whenever they want or if you are helping somebody else and cannot help them straight away, this will help to encourage them to try and problem solve in the future and become more independent learners.