Brand:Philips DAP (UK Kitchen and Home Supplier) ASIN#:B0007XHGHA Manufacturer:Philips
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Product Name : Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush
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Product Review : Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush
708 of 711 people found the following review helpful: This review is from: Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush (Kitchen & Home) Being new to the world of juicing, I thought I would do some research before investing in a machine. Having spent umpteen hours on the internet, I descovered so many conflicting reviews of the different machines, taht I came away feeling more baffled than before I started.In the end, I decided to plump for thiss Philips machine, as it had quite a few good reviews, and it looked good (my thinking being that even if it wasn't great it might look good on the work top!). So I was delighted when I got it for many reasons: 1. It makes great juice (and rather the jug supplied allows for a generous amount of juice). It makes very light work of apples, oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, carrots etc. It is surprising how much juice you get out of one apple. When I was researching, I wondered how much preperation was required... With this model, the chute is big enough for whole apples and oranges, but they recommend that you peel the oranges first (apparently the skin is very... Read more 74 of 74 people found the following review helpful: By This review is from: Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush (Kitchen & Home) My wife has suddenly taken to the idea of making juice out of all sorts of fruit. We had an old attachment to one of these big mixers, but we chucked it when the mixer dropped dead. In any case the fuss to use the attachment meant that we never used it. Now with the Philips juicer everything looks different. It appears very easy to use, not so difficult to clean, and produces the most tasty juices. My wife hunted out a juicer that had a big motor (700W and not these weak 300-400W models), a large pulp container, and would go in the dishwasher. The Philips juicer fits the bill, looks good, and feels very well built (read pro in the title). In fact because it has a large feeding tube and a powerful motor my wife just washes and roughly cuts up all sorts of fruit without having to peal and de-seed everything. It is amazing how much juice comes from a couple of apples, some kiwis and a few grapes. From what I can understand from the other reviews the suction cups fix it well to the... Read more 150 of 151 people found the following review helpful: By Gadget Fan "G-ESS" (Hamilton, Scotland) - See all my reviews This review is from: Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush (Kitchen & Home) This is the first Juicer I've had and I read all the reviews before I bought this one. I wasn't disappointed, It looks good, juices well and is easy to clean. My wife and I have a juice coctail every day now and our diet has improved considerably. Do yourself a favour, buy one of these...1 PS Just seen a juicing demonstration on TV and the demonstrator used a medium clear plastic food bag to line the pulp collector and so collect all the pulp, since then we haven't had to clean out the pulp bin and as a result cleaning is even easier. |
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→ Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush
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Product Title : Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush
Product Title : Philips HR1861 Aluminium Whole Fruit Juicer with Juice Jug and Cleaning Brush
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