Wednesday, January 25, 2012

→ Buy Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black - Affordable Price!

Brand:Tefal ASIN#:B004I29APM Manufacturer:Tefal
We are proud to present Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black with excellent delivery, good quality and believe that you will find our prices competitive at the most affordable and reasonable price. We hope you will take advantage for this offer. Please do NOT hesitate to buy Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black now. With My Best Work!!!

Product Name : Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black

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Product Review : Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black
Customer Reviews
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362 of 365 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Well I'm very happy!, 12 Jan 2010
Jose Elan (Bolton, UK.) - See all my reviews
I couldn't understand all the praise for this fryer until I got one. What I mean by that is I didn't understand how it could be so much better than traditional frying when it is isn't actually doing much that is special. Whilst that is true the two things that make this so successful is that firstly it blows very hot air around the pan - this means that it takes away all the moisture from whatever is being cooked very effectively. If you fry steak chunks in this you won't end up effectively stewing them like you often do in a frying pan once the juices have started to sweat out. This also makes it extremely effective when lightly frying onions/peppers etc. They don't end up being soft or mushy - they stay crunchy and lightly fried - like you intended them to be. The other major thing is the very slow moving paddle - the benefits and drawbacks of this are exactly as you imagine. If you fry chicken drumsticks, chips, sausages, roast potatoes etc they all come out perfect. If you... Read more
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31 of 31 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant - Really pleased., 15 Sep 2010
We were originally going to purchase another 'standard' fryer - the kind you fill up with loads of oil.

We saw this one and at first weren't sure if it would work and if the chips would taste great and if it was actually worth the additional cost! After reading all the reviews we decided to go for this one, and paid slight;y more for black limited edition one.

After trying it first with some frozen oven chips they tasted great! Much nicer than if they had been put in the oven. And as frozen chips already have a coating of oil there was no need to add anymore oil. The second batch of chips we made were home made chips and tasted great too.

The Actifry also comes with a handy cookbook with examples of other foods you can cook in it, such as chicken.

It comes apart really easy to wash, and it can also be put in the dishwasher. The part where the chips go in is like a non stick pan and makes it really quick and easy to wash... Read more
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25 of 25 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars Best kitchen gadget I've ever bought, for 3 months, 13 Jun 2011
This review is from: Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black (Kitchen & Home)
So 3 months ago I bought an ActiFry Gourmand. I'd heard people raving about the Actifry but was worried by a few reviews here stating the vanilla version tends to break down. However the Gourmand product was highly praised for it's better ventilation and apparently suffered from fewer issues. It was more expensive of course, but I'd rather pay a bit more and not have to deal with the hassle of returns and so forth.

Fast forward 3 months and I'd been using it several times a week while always being very careful to keep it clean and nice, as you would with your pride and joy of the kitchen. Today I go to make a batch of chips and the unit sounded very quiet, the paddle was turning but the fan wasn't blowing hot air at all, I think the heating element must have gone. Despite shelling out for the premium version my Actifry packed up after 3 whole months, I'd be unhappy if some cheapo knockoff version lasted only this long so as you can imagine I'm very unhappy. Going... Read more
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→ Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black

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Product Title : Tefal ActiFry FZ700215 Low Fat Electric Fryer, 1 kg Capacity, Black
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