Brand:Vax Ltd ASIN#:B004J3583I Manufacturer:Vax Ltd
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Product Name : Vax S2 Hard Floor Master Upright Steam Stick
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Product Review : Vax S2 Hard Floor Master Upright Steam Stick
84 of 85 people found the following review helpful: By This review is from: Vax S2 Hard Floor Master Upright Steam Stick (Kitchen & Home) Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Programme ( What's this?) In our household we don't have much hard flooring but we still all try our best to avoid getting the job of cleaning it. Using a mop to clean floors is quite a long and arduous process and personally I hate it profusely. Enter the Vax S2 Steam Cleaner. First off, setting this machine up is incredibly easy, removing the water tank was uncomplicated and as was re connecting it to the device. There are also two screws which are their to hold the unit together more securely which provided no issues. Placing the micro-fibre cloth onto the floor head was easy as well which tightens with a simple drawstring. Once connected to power the unit heated up in less than a minute which I was very impressed with - seems like it produces hot water faster than our kettle does! The actual cleaning process was equally impressive. I thought that our kitchen floor was clean - it had been cleaned the day before. Oh how wrong I was. After... Read more 136 of 139 people found the following review helpful: By This review is from: Vax S2 Hard Floor Master Upright Steam Stick (Kitchen & Home) Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Programme ( What's this?) I'm pretty delighted with this lightweight and steamy cleaning toy! For a full and very detailed account do see another reviewer chrishamer, who has given just about all the details you need to get on well with your Steam Stick. All I can really say is it certainly does deep-clean lino. I thought I'd clean the kitchen floor as I was tapping my toes waiting for delivery, and it seemed a good idea to clean the floor FIRST (like washing your hair before going to the hairdressers!) since I wondered whether the Vax could improve on mop and cleaning product, and maybe go one better. A resounding YES. I would have said my floor was clean. However, the little cloth cover which you have to fix over the base, through which the steam comes, quickly became a little grubby. So - floor not as squeaky clean with the mop as I'd thought. Now it looks pristine. The big advantage is the floor only gets damp, not wet, as you work, so drying is pretty instantaneous... Read more 17 of 17 people found the following review helpful: By GlenP (UK) - See all my reviews This review is from: Vax S2 Hard Floor Master Upright Steam Stick (Kitchen & Home) We bought this to replace a Home-Tek steam mop that has given up after some 2 years of bi-weekly use, the Vax is much easier to fill with water as it has a removable water tank that can be filled from a tap, whereas the Home -Tek needs to be filled by a jug through a small hole. The biggest advantage of the Vax is that the triangular mop heads use draw strings to secure themselves over the head, this works well and allows the head to clean into corners and edges, the Home- Tek uses smaller pads that are fixed by Velcro to the underside of the head, these were always catching on the joints of our slate floors and rucking up, and didn't allow you clean right up to edges, a right pain that we are glad to see the back of. We have bought a couple of the longer micro fibre mop heads that work much beter, as they are more absorbant they can hold more dirt before needing rinsing out. It does take a modicum of effort to push it around the floor, but we think this friction cleans the floor... Read more |
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Product Title : Vax S2 Hard Floor Master Upright Steam Stick
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