Brand:eKitch ASIN#:B003SOC7P6 Manufacturer:
We strive to provide our customers with an excellent shopping experience every single time and every step of the way. We offers you the largest selection of products and play at the decent prices, so please be sure to buy eKitch digital food probe thermometer & timer for food, wine, meat - great in oven cooking gadget for Roasting Perfection every time now. The fastest way to the affordable price. We beat it, fast!!!.
Product Name : eKitch digital food probe thermometer & timer for food, wine, meat - great in oven cooking gadget for Roasting Perfection every time
Simply insert the probe into food and set the required temperature for cooking your dish, for example: beef; medium rare: 55C and it will alert you when the meat has reached the required temperature, so you can relax knowing its under control.
* Accurate digital thermometer and timer.
* Measures Food temperature Read More »
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