Brand:Lifemax ASIN#:B002MRS5OW Manufacturer:Lifemax
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Product Name : Lifemax Light Pod 107a SAD Portable Simulated Daylight Box
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Product Review : Lifemax Light Pod 107a SAD Portable Simulated Daylight Box
359 of 362 people found the following review helpful By There's little more depressing than getting up in the dark and coming home in the dark! SAD lights are nothing new, specially designed high-pressure lights which attempt to replicate the benefits of bright sunlight and hopefully spark up your dark day a little. Generally however, SAD lights have been so expensive, the effect on your bank balance is likely to undo any good work the light does itself. This product gets round that problem and offers an affordable and entry level option to try SAD lighting and see if it has a benefit for you - without breaking the bank. The unit's low cost is evident in its design and construction - this is budget stuff. And it's size also reflects its cheapness... Read more 66 of 67 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Lifemax Light Pod 107a SAD Portable Simulated Daylight Box (Kitchen & Home) I was delighted (pardon the pun) What a super SAD LightBox ! I searched all over as I couldn't afford a lot of money. I suffer from Chronic Depression and SAD every year. This is a top product on some sites it was �80 !! Scandalous .... However worth every penny....(A mere �40 on Amazon) For six years now I have been getting steadily more ill. Not NOW !!! If you are tired all the time un cravin carbs, it's a must buy :) really impressed... Thanks Amazon. Feeling well after just three days use !!!!! buy one and prepare for the british winter. Highly recommended. 52 of 53 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Lifemax Light Pod 107a SAD Portable Simulated Daylight Box (Kitchen & Home) Although my home-office has a huge window, the room itself is sheltered by other buildings in the area and therefore doesn't get much natural light. The result is that it can be quite a gloomy place in which to work, especially in the winter months when it gets dark by around 3pm. To solve the problem, I decided to buy a full-spectrum natural desk light, which replicates the effects of outdoor light, and is supposed to have a beneficial effect on all that bask in its glory! These natural light products are suitable for people with SAD (Seasonal Affectation Disorder), and if you decide to purchase the product as a treatment device, you should use it for 20 - 45 minutes each day, preferably in the morning.The price of sunlight... Many of these natural lamps are really expensive - some costing hundreds and hundreds of pounds. I personally didn't want to spend too much, so I opted for the budget 'Lifemax Light Pod' which can be purchased for around �50. The Pod is a... Read more |
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Product Title : Lifemax Light Pod 107a SAD Portable Simulated Daylight Box
Product Title : Lifemax Light Pod 107a SAD Portable Simulated Daylight Box
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