Brand:Dyson ASIN#:B004JHXOH6 Manufacturer:Dyson
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Product Name : Dyson DC19T2 Multi Floor Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner for Every Floor Type
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Product Review : Dyson DC19T2 Multi Floor Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner for Every Floor Type
60 of 60 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Dyson DC19T2 Multi Floor Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner for Every Floor Type (Kitchen & Home) This is the first Dyson that I have ever brought. Everyone said that Dyson was the way to go and I have to say I now agree with them. I was amazed the amount of rubbish that it picked up.I use this Dyson in a 3 bedroom house consisting of both Wooden and carpet floors and it works great on both. It came with stair tool as well as a long nozzle tool. The nozzle tool has a brush attachment integrated into it that you can slide up its length if you want the brush or slide back if you do not. I would have preferred a separate attachment and thus why I gave it a 4 star rating (But please this is a personal thing don't let it stop you from buying.) The attachments store nicely on a little fixture that sits around the barrel of the standard floor carpet attachment (that is the long retractable pole thing u see in the picture - sorry for my poor explanation) which keeps everything nice and neat. On a side line I looked at a lot of different Dyson as my other half is... Read more 34 of 34 people found the following review helpful By Lee C (UK) - See all my reviews This review is from: Dyson DC19T2 Multi Floor Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner for Every Floor Type (Kitchen & Home) I'm not an expert on vacuum cleaners, in fact this is the first one I've bought (previous one was a hand-me-down). First let me say the suction on this thing is amazing, sometimes I worry that it's going to actually suck up my house. On wooden and laminated floors the dual-mode head is great, it moves smoothly and picks up every speck of dirt and fluff.Unfortunately the same can't be said for carpets. Using the dual-mode head on either setting is a struggle and it seems to be completely defeated by fluff. The head simply pushes the fluff aside and you find yourself moving the head directly over fluff, stopping, moving a little and then lifting to see if it finally sucked it up. This makes a simple task of vacuum cleaning a room a long and tedious job. I've now ordered the turbine head directly from Dyson and hopefully this will alleviate the fluff problem and make it easier to move around. However, this is an extra �55 on top of the price of the so-called... Read more 31 of 31 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Dyson DC19T2 Multi Floor Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner for Every Floor Type (Kitchen & Home) To lay it on the line, it has been my wife who has purchased vacum cleaners in our house & frankly they have been junk.As I am the one who vacum cleans here at the ranch, I decided some time ago that I had a gutfull & that I would buy another vacum cleaner. A friend of mine in the UK had a Dyson,so I started to do a check which revealed great reviews for the DC19T2. It arrived here a week ago & I am unable to believe the quality of the product. The suction is unreal, almost sucked up the cat.I do not have one negative comment relating to this product. Conclusion- fantastic- |
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Product Title : Dyson DC19T2 Multi Floor Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner for Every Floor Type
Product Title : Dyson DC19T2 Multi Floor Cylinder Vacuum Cleaner for Every Floor Type
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