Brand:Smartcafe ASIN#:B0007MTNH2 Manufacturer:DKB Household UK
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Product Name : Smartcafe Cafetiere Hot Mug, Red
Double walled - keeps coffee hot for longer. Read More »*Why don’t we show the price?
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Product Review : Smartcafe Cafetiere Hot Mug, Red
84 of 86 people found the following review helpful By Jernau Gurgeh (Leeds UK) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Smartcafe Cafetiere Hot Mug, Red (Kitchen & Home) Finally I have purchased one of these. A friend has had one for years and yet I could never find a shop that stocked them. I love proper coffee but am the only one in my house who drinks it and so a full cafetiere is a bulky wasteful item. This is also far faster when I'm wanting a single cup before I head out to work in the morning. It is simple to use and the insulated mug prevents the coffee from cooling down too much whilst you wait. Sure, you can get the occasional coffee ground in the bottom of your drink but I find that with my cafetiere as well.My only problem is the size of the cup. The plunger apparatus and grounds occupy the bottom of the mug and the max fill line is quite a long way from the top. Look at the picture. The colour change on the outside of the mug is NOT the max fill line. The max fill line is BELOW the top of the handle. Fill the mug past this line and coffee will leak out around the little tab at the top of the plunger. It all adds up to a coffee... Read more 21 of 21 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Smartcafe Hot Cafetiere Mug, Platinum (Kitchen & Home) There is no question that the SmartCafe mug is a brilliant device. I have owned and used several over the last 5 or 6 years and cannot imagine how I would enjoy my morning coffee without one. There are hundreds of reviews telling you how fantastic the mug is so I'm not going to repeat all that here but I do want to answer those few that keep complaining about coffee grains in their coffee and the size of the cup.Here's how I make my perfect coffee. The aim is to keep all the coffee grounds below the fill line. Remember, any grounds above the fill line are NOT trapped by the plunger: 1) Before you start, make sure the cup is DRY inside. That will prevent coffee grounds sticking to the sides of the cup and sneaking past the plunger. 2) Put the coffee into the bottom of the cup - easy if you follow (1) 3) Add the hot water GENTLY - no splashing grounds up the sides - and most important ***FILL TO A LEVEL BELOW THE FILL LINE*** - a centimetre or so... Read more 18 of 18 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Smartcafe Hot Cafetiere Mug, Platinum (Kitchen & Home) I thought this was a great buy until the rubber seal around the filter started to wear out. Now I get mouthfuls of coffee granules and I have had to stop using it. However they are cheap, and as someone else pointed out it can save a fortune if you drink a lot of coffee at work.I will probably replace mine but I will have my fingers crossed that the seal is better on the next one. |
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Product Title : Smartcafe Cafetiere Hot Mug, Red
Product Title : Smartcafe Cafetiere Hot Mug, Red
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