Brand:Bialetti ASIN#:B00004RFRU Manufacturer:La Cafetiere
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Product Name : Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup
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Product Review : Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup
440 of 446 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup (Kitchen & Home) This is a very well made traditional espresso maker. It's solid, fits well together, and the handle is comfortable. The thick base to the water reservoir part means it doesn't heat up *too* fast over a gas flame, though if you are using gas, make sure you don't let the flames lick up the side of the machine.Now, for the quality of the espresso it makes. I must admit I was disappointed with this at first - I had been used to a high pressure espresso machine which made thick creamy espresso. At first when using this maker I followed the instructions exactly - not 'tamping down' the coffee and not grinding it too fine. This made a fairly weak espresso. In fact the 6 cup amount made me two good longish coffees, still an improvement in taste over my cafetiere coffee. To achieve a better espresso I got advice from my Italian and Greek friends. They grew up with these machines, and told me to grind the coffee slightly finer than instructed, and to tamp it down gently... Read more 12 of 12 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup (Kitchen & Home) I bought my Bialetti Moka Express along with the bodum milk frother. I couldn't believe how good the espresso tasted, coming from such an inexpensive device. I've been used to a drip/filter machine with a milk frother but the 'cappuccinos' it makes don't even compare to those made with the Bialetti. I thoroughly recommend this to anyone- it takes 3/4 minutes and a small amount of skill to make the perfect espresso!I use Lavazza coffee beans and grind them finely. When coffee starts to 'sputter', remove from heat source. Then heat your milk to nearly boiling and froth to double in size. Pour your desired amount of espresso into cup (I fill to 1/3 of a standard coffee cup) then spoon in your frothed milk and enjoy!! 53 of 56 people found the following review helpful By Bluesbreaker (Birmingham England) - See all my reviews This review is from: Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup (Kitchen & Home) An excellent purchase and I would agree with all those who have already posted laudatory remarks.Can I just add 4 observations To those who want to know how many cups it provides - We get 295 ml of strong brown liquid from the 6 cup machine ( c. half a pint ). It takes about 4-5 mins to make the coffee - from absolute start with cold water to drinking coffee. Just enough time to microwave and then foam up the milk using the bodum 1446 device.( we exclusively drink lattes ) Mild-to-firm tamping down is mandatory and crucial to taste - despite the instructions. We use the bottom of a glass tumbler As regards using finely ground coffee - we don't have a grinder ; we buy Tescos Finest Columbian Supremo ground coffee and its fine. |
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→ Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup
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Product Title : Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup
Product Title : Bialetti Moka Express Espresso Maker, 6 Cup
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