Brand:HG ASIN#:B000TAUAS8 Manufacturer:HG
We strive to provide our customers with an excellent shopping experience every single time and every step of the way. We offers you the largest selection of products and play at the decent prices, so please be sure to buy Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr now. The fastest way to the affordable price. We beat it, fast!!!.
Product Name : Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr
in damp places, inside and outside.
For cleaning tiled walls ( also suitable for marble) and grouting
in the bathroom, shower, toilet, kitchen, cellar, basement, sauna, swimming pool.
Garage, shed etc.
It cleans also facades, balconies., plant boxes, garden ornaments etc.
but not wood. Read More »
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Product Review : Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr
39 of 40 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr (Misc.) I had problems with brown staining inbetween the tiles of my shower and also brown and pinkish stains on the silicone round the shower tray.Tried everything to get if off and was considering getting it re-grouted due to it looking so grubby. Heard about this spray so thought I would give it a try. Its amazing!! Spray on the shower tiles/tray etc and leave for 30 mins then use a wet sponge to wipe off. My shower is so white like it used to be and required minimum effort using this spray. I would advise to keep the area well ventilated, wear rubber gloves and perhaps a mask for your mouth as the smell is quite strong (bleach smell. I have recommended this product to everyone I know as its so good. 14 of 14 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr (Misc.) Without question this is the best product on the market to remove mould from our shower. Our local supplier runs out within 2 days of re-stocking (Leekes Of Llanstrisant) so we have now decided to buy it online as we are fed up of missing out. It is very strong, so make sure plenty of ventilation. You will not be disappointed. 32 of 33 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr (Misc.) Like most of the other reviewers, I had a problem with black spot mould on the window sealant in my bedroom. Even though the window fitters used anti-fungal sealant, there's only so much it could take before the nasties started to grow and multiply. I'd tried a number of ways to shift the mould, ranging from kitchen and bathroom cleaner to neat bleach (including the icky-sticky Domestos Grotbuster) with little in the way of success.Chemically, there's nothing particularly special about the HG Mould Spray - it's sodium hypochlorite (the main ingredient of bleach) and sodium hydroxide. You spray it on, leave it for a while (10-15 minutes) and then sponge it off. And guess what ... it works! It might take several applications to shift really stubborn mould, but after a couple of applications the sealant on my bedroom window frame looks far, far better than it did in that you can now tell that the sealant underneath is actually white! There are a few gotchas though:... Read more |
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Product Title : Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr
Product Title : Hg Mould Spray 0.5Ltr
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