Brand:Morphy Richards ASIN#:B004AZHMUW Manufacturer:Morphy Richards
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Product Name : Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve
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Product Review : Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve
128 of 132 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve (Kitchen & Home) Whilst looking for a new iron as my previous iron stopped working, thought about buying a normal steam iron. Then when looking on Amazon came across the reviews for jet steam generator irons. Read all reviews and this iron with a ceramic sole plate, was not to sure about.Iron arrived and could not wait to unpack it and try it out. Well from filling the tank to turning on with a click of a switch at the back of base. Never thinking that any iron could beat my last one. How amazed I was, easy to use, fast ironing, the finish of clothing and bedding looked so professionally done. The iron complete with base is very light, much better that any I have used, no water dripping over ironing, was one of it's best points. My overall feeling is that this iron is fantastic as is the ceramic sole plate. Ironing done in half my normal time, with pristine ironing, even bedding and curtains. No more ironing blues for me - now cannot find enough ironing and for someone whose... Read more 13 of 13 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve (Kitchen & Home) Great Iron... does what it says on the tin... easy to use had one before so I know all about it...great price you dont need to spend any more this iron is perfect for any home use. 11 of 11 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve (Kitchen & Home) Why did I not buy a product like this before! Fabulous puts the joy back into ironing and I dont do ironing! Lightweight, base sturdy and great results dont hold back buy to day you wont be disappointed |
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→ Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve
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Product Title : Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve
Product Title : Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42254 Steam Generator, Mauve
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