Brand:Brabantia ASIN#:B0002EXY7K Manufacturer:Brabantia
Our mission is to serve our customers needs by offering the widest and latest selection of premium quality product at decent prices while providing excellent customer service. We'll will offer you Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White the affordable prices, quality, efficiency and superior customer service.
Product Name : Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White
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Product Review : Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White
67 of 67 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White (Kitchen & Home) My Brabantia ironing board came with a felt pad but after about 4 years of use I needed to replace it. When it arrived I forgot just how thick it was as compared to my now, worn out felt pad which was completely flat! I placed my ironing board on top of the new felt cover and drew a line around the board to cut it to size, but when I got to the bit where the ironing board starts to narrow in, I left a one inch border so the padding would continue down and around the sides. This is because the original felt pad which was on my board (after years of use) had moved under the ironing board cover and when ironing on the curved edge, this line would penetrate through the clothing. Doing it this way means that it can't move about. No water drips through the felt pad by the way which I read happens with the Brabantia life long ironing board cover! Best buy the felt pad and ironing board cover separately (which is still cheaper than the life-long cover) as I did so you are not disappointed in... Read more 16 of 16 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White (Kitchen & Home) Ever since the foam underlay for my ironing board disintegrated, I had been looking for a new underlay. This felt pad is great - my ironing board is not a Brabantia one, but you can cut the felt pad to fit. I'm ironing better again! 13 of 13 people found the following review helpful By Busy Mum! (Kent) - See all my reviews This review is from: Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White (Kitchen & Home) I bought this to fit on my Brabantia ironing board as i do an awful lot of ironing. Its very think and works a treat! Very easy to cut to shape. works brilliantly with the metalised ironing board cover. highly recommended! |
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→ Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White
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Product Title : Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White
Product Title : Brabantia Ironing Board Replacement Felt Pad, Size E, 135 x 49cm, White
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