Brand:Vax ASIN#:B003O69W9C Manufacturer:Vax Ltd
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Product Name : Vax V-026RD Rapide Deluxe Upright Carpet and Upholstery Washer
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Product Review : Vax V-026RD Rapide Deluxe Upright Carpet and Upholstery Washer
198 of 201 people found the following review helpful: By This review is from: Vax V-026RD Rapide Deluxe Upright Carpet and Upholstery Washer (Kitchen & Home) Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Programme ( What's this?) Customer Video Review Length:: 4:04 MinsI DID NOT CHOOSE THE PICTURE SHOWN. AMAZON DID. For the sake of brevity I list my review points only because one can not bullet point on amazon reviews: 1. Arrives as petite square box not slim upright (see video) 2. Assembly not quite as per instructions which cover a range of models. 3. Disassembly difficult if want to pack in its box for storage. 4. Lays down flat for under bed storage. 5. 250ml of cleaning fluid supplied is enough for three sessions. 6. Took two sessions for my 3.6m x 4.0m living room. 7. 750ml Vax fluid easily available in a local shop 8. Upholstery hose easy to use (I have no upholstery) 9. Light weight 10. Would not shift 12-year-old dirt in doorway without repeated use. 11. Don't expect miracles; you can't replace wear and tear. 12. Use of Vax Ultra 1.42L improves things a smidge for the complete carpet clean. Clean NOT restore. 13. Its ideal use is... Read more 88 of 90 people found the following review helpful: By This review is from: Vax V-026RD Rapide Deluxe Upright Carpet and Upholstery Washer (Kitchen & Home) Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Programme ( What's this?) This Vax carpet cleaner is a fairly decent wet cleaner for use on carpets and upholstery around the home. This comes disassembled in a small square box and requires some assembly before use. The instructions aren't the clearest I have ever seen and although this wasn't hugely difficult to put together, it could have been a whole lot easier and more clearly laid out. This comes with cleaning solution (which is also easy to find in most shops) and after thoroughly vacuuming the carpet area we tested this on, we set about cleaning. This managed to raise most obvious dirt first try and for more ground-in stains, such as those left by pets, we found they were removed after a second swipe. This left the carpet a little damp, but not excessively so and it soon dried off. One word of advice is to make sure as much pet hair is lifted up before using this as the fur tends to get tangled around the cleaning bristles and which need to be removed by hand afterwards. The dirty water reservoir is... Read more 176 of 181 people found the following review helpful: By This review is from: Vax V-026RD Rapide Deluxe Upright Carpet and Upholstery Washer (Kitchen & Home) Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Programme ( What's this?) I used this in my new house to clean my matress and carpets. The instructions were quite easy to follow when putting the Vax together although we had a little trouble slotting a few of the pieces into place. It's quite light weight when it's empty and comes with it's own shampoo and clear instructions for how to follow it. When we first turned the Vax on my mum was standing a few steps away reading me what to do and it was so noisy I couldn't hear her, even standing next to each other you had to shout into someones ear to be able to hear over the Vax. That said it was very easy to operate and the suction on it when sucking up dirty water was very very strong and worked really well. I had a little trouble when using the hose and pressing the button to spray water and ended up getting it all over the walls anytime I went near one but that was probably just because I'd never used one before. The Vax was very easy to empty, clean and put back together when I'd finished using it... Read more |
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Product Title : Vax V-026RD Rapide Deluxe Upright Carpet and Upholstery Washer
Product Title : Vax V-026RD Rapide Deluxe Upright Carpet and Upholstery Washer
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