10 SETS (30 PCS) PLUNGER CUTTERS SUGARCRAFT CAKE DECORATING NEW (Heart, Veined butterfly, star, Daisy, veined rose leaf ,Carnation, Blossom, flower, Sunflower , other)
~~~Heart: 3pcs (each size: 7mm,10mm and 13mm across)
~~~Veined butterfly : 3pcs.( each size: 30mm, 45mm and 60mm across)
~~~ stars: 3pcs (each size: 7mm,10mm and 13mm across)
~~~ Daisy: 3pcs (each size: 13mm, 22mm, 28mm and 34mm across)
~~~ veined rose leaf : 3pcs (each size 29mm,34mm, and 43mm across)
~~~ Carnation cutters: 3pcs (each size: approx 20mm, 35mm and 40mm across )
~~~ Blossom/Rose 5 Petal Flower cutters (size: approx 37, 45 and and 50mm across )
~~~ Other cutters: 3pcs (40mm Read More »
*Why don’t we show the price of 10 SETS (30 PCS) PLUNGER CUTTERS SUGARCRAFT CAKE DECORATING NEW (Heart, Veined butterfly, star, Daisy, veined rose leaf ,Carnation, Blossom, flower, Sunflower , other)?
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