Thursday, March 1, 2012

→ Buy Cheap George Foreman 14053 5-Portion Family Grill in Silver - Cheap Price!

Brand:George Foreman ASIN#:B001CMY7BS Manufacturer:george foreman
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Product Name : George Foreman 14053 5-Portion Family Grill in Silver

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Product Review : George Foreman 14053 5-Portion Family Grill in Silver
Customer Reviews
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77 of 77 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Kitchen essential !, 10 Mar 2009
This review is from: George Foreman 14053 5-Portion Family Grill in Silver (Kitchen & Home)
Always difficult to judge size and suitability using manufacturers data but, we found this grill to be the perfect size for us. But, to call it a 5 portion grill could be mis-leading. Toasted sandwiches are the best ever. The grill will comfortably accept two double slice toasties at once. Unlike normal taosted sandwich makers, you don't need to squash the hell out of the sandwich in order to crimp the contents and lock the unit. As a grill for steaks etc., I found that I was overcooking to start with. The meat is cooking from both sides halving the time plus, you don't get a dark finish to the meat as with pan frying.
Toasties 5 mins. Steaks 2-3mins.
Over all, this is my first grill/toasty and I wouldn't be without one now. A must for students and families alike. 5*
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32 of 32 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Will never use the oven grill again!, 25 April 2009
This review is from: George Foreman 14053 5-Portion Family Grill in Silver (Kitchen & Home)
As usual, delivery good and before projected date.

I've used the grill twice today! Once to cook bacon sarnies this morning and once to cook a steak sandwich.

The bacon sarnies were great and cooked just as well, if not better than the oven grill. No more mess on the bottom of the grill tray to clean, just a nice run-off of fat dripping into the drip tray of the George Foreman!

The steak sandwich was just as good. Be careful not to over cook it as it doesn't take as long as frying it!

As soon as you've used it give it a quick wipe with a cloth or sponge and the fat/grease comes straight off! Don't use anything other than a cloth or sponge or you'll bring the sheen off the plates!

I haven't cook anything else yet, but intend to cook chicken satay sticks on it tonight!

All in all an excellent buy and well worth the money with no complaints regarding the cooking of food.

I've only 1 minor niggle...and please... Read more
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70 of 71 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars George Foreman Grill, 4 Feb 2009
This review is from: George Foreman 14053 5-Portion Family Grill in Silver (Kitchen & Home)
We had this for a Christmas present and have made much use of it since then. It is quicker and easier than a conventional grill and, best of all, no turning required! The grill just needs to be brushed with oil or butter and any surplus fat will drip into the tray provided, so it is much healthier than frying. There is a recipe book provided, which includes guidelines for many types of food. It will cook fish fillets in 3-4 minutes and will do toasted sandwiches in a couple of minutes - very welcome in this cold weather! It's also great for steaks, hamburgers, chicken, kebabs and many more favourites. I recommend it.
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→ George Foreman 14053 5-Portion Family Grill in Silver

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